IDEA ® The Journal of the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property - Issue 1 Pat. Trademark & Copy. J. Res. & Ed. (1957)

Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal of Research and Education
1 Pat. Trademark & Copy. J. Res. & Ed. (1957)

Title Page
   -- Page [i]

Table of Contents - Issue 1
   -- Page [iii]

Table of Contents - Issue 2
   -- Page [v]

Foreword Foreword
   -- Page [vii]

Patent, Trade-Mark, and Copyright Foundation, The Note
   -- Page 1

Value of the American Patent System: An Inquiry into Possible Approaches to Its Measurement, The Research Project Report
Markham, Jesse W. , Worley, James S., Brothers, Dwight S.
   -- Page 20

Patent and Other Factors in the Development of Firms in the Custom Heat-Treating Industry Research Project Report
Belfer, Nathan, Sigel, Irving H.
   -- Page 57

Patent Utilization Study, The Research Project Interim Reports
Rossman, Joseph , Sanders, Barkev S.
   -- Page 74

Patent and Other Factors in the Future Organization of the Steel Industry Research Project Interim Reports
Weidenhammer, Robert M., Sigel, Irving H.
   -- Page 112

Patent and Other Factors in the Growth of the Electronics Industry in the Boston Area Research Project Interim Reports
Welfling, Weldon, Siegel, Irving H.
   -- Page 119

Compulsory and Patent Dedication Provisions of Anti-Trust Decrees --A Foundation of Detailed Factual Case Studies Research Project Interim Reports
Frost, George E., Oppenheim, S. Chesterfield, Twomey, Neil F.
   -- Page 127

Licensing Abroad of American-Held Patents, Trade-Marks, and Techniques Research Project Interim Reports
Behrman, J. N.
   -- Page 145

Public Attitudes toward the Patent System Research Project Interim Reports
Mosel, James N.
   -- Page 159

Incentives to Inventing for National Defense Research Project Interim Reports
Mosel, James N., Sanders, Barkev S., Siegel, Irving H.
   -- Page 168

Issue 2 - December 1957
   -- Page 175

Research Program of the Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Foundation, The Note
Harris, L. James
   -- Page 175

Incentives and Deterrents to Inventing for National Defense Research Project Report
Mosel, James N., Sanders, Barkev S., Siegel, Irving H.
   -- Page 185

Role of Patens in the Creation and Growth of Small Industrial Units Research Project Interim Reports
Siegel, Irving H.
   -- Page 216

Patents in Boston Area Electronics Industry Research Project Interim Reports
Welfling, Weldon
   -- Page 218

Foreign Licensing Research Project Interim Reports
Behrman, J. N.
   -- Page 220

Public Attitudes toward the Patent System Research Project Interim Reports
Mosel, James. N.
   -- Page 243

Taxation and Patents Research Project Interim Reports
Bands, Robert B., Driscoll, Joseph P.
   -- Page 244

Role of Patent in Executive Decisions, The Research Project Interim Reports
Markham, Jesse W.
   -- Page 265

National Inventors Council and the Inventor, The Contributed Articles
Green, John C.
   -- Page 266

Governmental Patent Administration, Policy and Organization Contributed Articles
Robillard, George N.
   -- Page 270

Problems of Confidential Disclosures with Particular Reference to Large Corporations - Submitted Ideas Student Papers
Ericson, William L.
   -- Page 286

   -- Page 299

   -- Page 300

David A. Fox In Memoriam
   -- Page 301

Index to Volume 1
   -- Page 302

Supplement Issue
   -- Page iii

Table of Contents - Supplement Issue
   -- Page iii

   -- Page vii

A Summary of Proceedings
   -- Page 1

The Proceedings of the Conference
   -- Page 8

Presentation and Discussion of the Patent, Trade-Mark, and Copyright Foundation The Proceedings of the Conference: Presentation and Discussion of Foundation
   -- Page 9

Effects of Certain Antitrust Decrees Involving Patents as a Major Factor The Proceedings of the Conference: Effects of Certain Antitrust Decrees Involving Patents as a Major Factor
   -- Page 17

Patent and Other Factors in the Future Organization of the Steel Industry The Proceedings of the Conference: Patent and Other Factors in the Future Organization of the Steel Industry
   -- Page 44

Patent Utilization The Proceedings of the Conference: Patent Utilization
   -- Page 65

Patent and Other Factors in the Development of Firms in the Custom Heat-Treating Industry The Proceedings of the Conference: Patent and Other Factors in the Development of Firms in the Custom Heat-Treating Industry
   -- Page 84

Patent-Antitrust Question from the Standpoint of an Industrial Executive, The The Proceedings of the Conference: Dinner Address
Howard, Frank A.
   -- Page 99

Value of the American Patent System: An Inquiry into Possible Approaches to Its Measurements, The The Proceedings of the Conference: The Value of the American Patent System: An Inquiry into Possible Approaches to Its Measurement
   -- Page 108

Breif Progress Reports on Foundation Projects The Proceedings of the Conference: Brief Progress Reports on Foundation Projects
   -- Page 128

General Discussion The Proceedings of the Conference: General Discussion
   -- Page 140

Future Prospect The Proceedings of the Conference: Future Prospects
   -- Page 145

Appendices to the Proceedings
   -- Page 150

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