P.L. 98-367
TITLE: Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1985
DATE: July 17, 1984
LENGTH: 18 p.
ENACTED-BILL: 99 H.R. 5753
STAT: 98 Stat. 472
"Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985, and for other purposes."
Approp, FY85
BILLS: 98 H.R. 5753
130 Congressional Record, 98th Congress, 2nd Session - 1984
June 6, H.R. 5753 considered and passed House.
June 21, H.R. 5753 considered and passed Senate, amended.
June 28, House agreed to conference report and concurred in Senate amendments; Senate agreed to conference report.
98th Congress
H. Rpt. 98-811 on H.R. 5753, "Legislative Branch Appropriation Bill, 1985," May 31, 1984.
LENGTH: 53 p. il.
SUDOC: Y1.1/8:98-811
S. Rpt. 98-515 on H.R. 5753, "Legislative Branch Appropriations, 1985," June 14, 1984.
LENGTH: 30 p. il.
SUDOC: Y1.1/5:98-515
H. Rpt. 98-870, conference report on H.R. 5753, " Making Appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1985," June 27, 1984.
LENGTH: 7 p.
SUDOC: Y1.1/8:98-870
98th Congress
"Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1985. Part 2: Legislative Branch," hearings before the Subcommittee on Legislative Appropriations, Committee on Appropriations. House, Feb. 1, 2, 6, 8, 22, 23, 28, 1984.
LENGTH: ii+724+xii p. il.
SUDOC: Y4.Ap6/1:L52/985/pt.2
"Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY85," hearings before the Subcommittee on Legislative Appropriations, Committee on Appropriations. Senate, Mar. 7, 8, 21, 1984.
LENGTH: iii+292+v p. il. Index.
SUDOC: Y4.Ap6/2:S.hrg.98-1121
"Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1985. Part 1: Justification of the Budget Estimates," hearings before the Subcommittee on Legislative Appropriations, Committee on Appropriations. House, 1984.
LENGTH: iv+787 p. il.
SUDOC: Y4.Ap6/1:L52/985/pt.1