Consolidated Legislative Intellectual Property (CLIP) 1969-1988 - P.L. 97-256: Patent and Trademark Laws and Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, amendments

Consolidated Legislative Intellectual Property (CLIP) 1969-1988

P.L. 97-256

TITLE: Patent and Trademark Laws and Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, amendments

DATE: Sept. 8, 1982  
LENGTH: 2 p.  
ENACTED-BILL: 97 H.R. 3345  
STAT: 96 Stat. 816.  
CONG-SESS: 97-2  

"To make technical and conforming changes in the patent and trademark laws and in the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act."
Patent and trademark laws, technical amendments

Congressional Record Vol. 128 (1982):
   Mar. 16, 18, considered and passed House.
   Aug. 20, considered and passed Senate.
HOUSE REPORTS: H523-27 (No. 97-389).


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